

24 Hour Gym & Training Facility Located in Burwood & Clayton

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A fitness challenge is a great way to jumpstart your fitness journey or break through a weight-loss plateau. It can also help increase your energy levels, improve your mood and reduce stress.

There are many different fitness challenges out there, but they all have one thing in common: they require you to push yourself physically and mentally.

A fitness workout challenge can last for a few days or several weeks, and can be done alone or with a group. No matter what type of challenge you choose, be sure to set realistic goals and listen to your body. With a little effort and discipline, you can achieve amazing results!

Can’t wait to get started? Sign up for a 7-day free trial at our gym and challenge yourself to smash your fitness goals!

What is a fitness challenge?

A fitness challenge can be as simple as doing a certain number of push-ups every day, or you can up the difficulty by adding other exercises like sit-ups, lunges, circuit training or fitness classes. 

Fitness challenges usually last for a set period of time, such as six weeks or three months, and are designed to help you break down your fitness goals into achievable tasks. You can also involve friends and family in your fitness challenge to make it more fun and competitive!

Our Burwood and Clayton gyms have a range of facilities to aid your fitness challenge, including a cardio room, boxing room, machine room, and much more! We also offer group fitness classes so that you can organise a fun training session with your pals.

Fitness challenge ideas for beginners

If you’re a beginner, look for a challenge that focuses on building basic strength and cardiovascular endurance. Here are some popular fitness challenge ideas for groups and individuals to get you started!

  • Squat challenge

This fitness challenge involves doing a certain number of squats each day for 30 days, gradually increasing the reps as you go. The squat is a good exercise for toning your legs and glutes, and this challenge will help you see results quickly.

  • Push-up challenge

Another great workout is the push-up challenge. This one is perfect for beginners because you can start with as few reps as you like and increase the number as you get stronger. Push-ups are a full-body workout, so this challenge will help you tone your arms, chest and core.

  • Plank challenge

The plank challenge is a great way to improve your balance and core strength. Start by holding a plank position for 20 secs on day one, and work up by 15-second increments on the following days. Planking is a deceptively challenging exercise, so this fitness challenge will really test your limits.

  • Walking challenge

Walking is a low-impact fitness activity in which people of all ages and skill levels can participate. A walking challenge involves walking a set number of steps (usually 10,000) or distance in a given day. Because it’s so easy, walking is a particularly popular fitness challenge for groups and workplaces.

As you get stronger and more fit, you can increase the intensity of your fitness challenge exercises, incorporating our extensive range of fitness centre equipment into your routine. But always listen to your body and back off if you feel pain or fatigue. Remember, fitness challenges should be challenging but also enjoyable, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself!

Which fitness challenge is best for you?

To find the right fitness challenge for you, consider your fitness goals. Are you looking to lose weight, build muscle or boost your overall health? Once you know what you want to achieve, you can start narrowing down your options and creating a fitness challenge plan.

If you’re looking to lose weight, for example, you might want to consider a healthy eating challenge that combines exercise with a well-balanced diet. If you’re looking to build muscle, you might want to find a fitness challenge that includes strength training.

Our experienced trainers can help you design a fitness challenge program that works for you. Join a Training Day gym today!

Are fitness challenges any good?

Fitness challenges have many proven benefits. The right fitness challenge can help you:

  • set and track your fitness goals;

  • improve your physical fitness and wellbeing;

  • connect with other people interested in getting fit;

  • increase your motivation; and

  • have fun while seeing amazing results!

Whether you’re competing against yourself or others, a fitness workout challenge is a great way to refresh or reactivate your exercise routine.

Who can participate in a fitness challenge?

The best thing about fitness challenges is that they are open to everyone – men, women, teens, kids, couples, singles, and so on! A fitness workout challenge can be as straightforward or as complex as you like, making it perfect for every fitness level and ability.

Join a Training Day gym near you

Fitness challenges offer an excellent opportunity to get motivated and improve your fitness, so don’t wait any longer – give them a try today! Sign up for a 7-day free trial at our Burwood or Clayton gym, and we can help you optimise your fitness challenge exercises.