Training Day Gym


We take great pride in having an awesome barbell culture at TD.

There are not many things we love more than lifting, which is why we also know that to get strong and to become a bad ass in Powerlifting & Olympic Weightlifting it takes a little more than just brute strength.

It takes intentional programming, building strong foundations, mastering form and technique - all of which should be customised based on your individual body type! This is why we've created the TD Barbell Program with the coaching and programming essential for you to achieve ongoing strength progress.

We offer two types of barbell coaching: Powerlifting & Olympic Weightlifting.


The S.B.D. – Squat, bench press & deadlift, many perceive as the ‘foundation’ of strength training.

Our Powerlifting coaches have had national level competition experience as athletes themselves.

This program is catered towards beginner to intermediate enthusiasts, with a basic understanding of each lift. As your strength and technique improve overtime, your coach will adjust and adapt your program, so that you continuously make progress towards your strength and performance goals.

Olympic Weightlifting:

The overhead lifts: Snatch & Clean and Jerk, many perceive as the most athletic & technical strength sport.

Our Weightlifting coaches have had national level competition experience as athletes themselves.

This program is catered towards beginner to intermediate enthusiasts, with a basic understanding of each lift. Your coach will adjust and adapt your program to your performance, so that you continuously make progress towards your goals

Are you ready to take your lifting to the next level?


$0 Joining fee
24hr access to all Training Day gyms
Group classes at all clubs
Choose: Powerlifting or Weightlifting
Monthly progression programming
Free Assessment before starting
2 x 90min group coaching sessions weekly
8 weeks minimum term

Sign up process:

  1. Complete Assessment form

  2. Your coach will contact you to book in a face to face assessment

  3. The coach will answer all of your questions regarding the program

  4. If you’re happy with the outcome, sign up to the program in person at the gym reception

  5. Get your special tag, and you’re ready to go!