TD Record Board

For the past year this board had been constantly updated with new names and numbers. It's the ultimate bragging right if your name ends up here, but let's be honest, it's not that easy.

This board used to include all the impressive efforts for every person that had been a TD member.

We've just changed the rules, this board is now for current TD members ONLY. Therefore we've just removed a few people off the list (reluctantly as they were super impressive).

Here's your chance to get on! Don't be shy, help us lift the bar higher! If you can keep your name on the board for longer than a month? It's a pretty damn good effort!

Every month we will posting the most up to date records here on this blog.


- BW stands for Body Weight, all strength based records are according to times bodyweight lifted.

- All attempts must be seen by a staff or video as evidence.

Training Day