I'm Good Monday To Friday


If you ever say “I’m good Monday to Friday but the weekend lets me down…?” DO THIS.

Plan your weekend.
Write down what you’re doing and where you have to be. By doing so you can come up with a plan of how to stay on top of your healthy lifestyle.Eat like you normally would Monday-Friday. If you prepare your food for the week, prepare your food for the weekend as well.

Do something fun that you enjoy. Often as people age they spend less time doing their hobbies. You do have time to do these hobbies you just have to plan for them.

Stick to your regular sleep cycle.
Go to bed and wake up at the same time you do during the week. So if you don’t sleep in during the week avoid sleeping in on the weekend as well.
*granted you’re getting enough sleep during the week.

If you’re going to drink, be smart with your choices, avoid high sugar beverages (e.g. Bourbon and Coke, Vodka Cruiser’s, Apple Ciders, Beers). Also don’t eat the lamb souvlaki, 6 nuggets and diet coke at 3am

By Coach Luke Riley

  • Master’s Degree in Exercise Science (Strength & Conditioning)

  • Bachelor Degree in Exercise & Sport Science.

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